For anyone who has made their way to my website, here are some interesting things that might give you a bit more insight about who I am and what makes me...well, me!

1. I have multiple chronic illnesses that have seem to have taken over my life little by little. Diagnoses include Fibromyalgia, POTS (Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome) and SVT (Supraventricular tachycardia).

2. I used to be a dancer until my chronic illnesses took over. I was a competitive studio dancer between the ages of 8-14 to which I had to leave my studio. I danced here and there during my Freshman year of high school, then got asked to join a hip hop crew where I competed up until I was 20.
3. My kitty, Gypsy, is the first pet I've had on my own. I found her in a South L.A junkyard about 2.5 years ago while searching for some kittens that had recently been born. It was love at first sight and now she gets to live the life she deserves! She is absolutely my entire world and I wouldn't have it any other way. Gypsy was actually named after the Fleetwood Mac song, "Gypsy". Be sure to follow her on Instagram @Gypsy_theJunkyardCat.

4. I started my own pet sitting company when I was 18. 18 is the legal age to do so and since I was doing online high school at the time, I could be home to watch animals. I quickly grew a large client base and loved it! After I moved to L.A, I had to start over but my experience and referrals made that fairly easy.
5. I suffer from depression and anxiety. Depression made things very difficult for me in high school and I thought about doing things that I don't even like admitting to myself. When I was 19, not too long after being diagnosed with Fibro, I had the first panic attack that was a result of the brain fog making me so extremely frustrated with myself during a dance practice. I was diagnised with severe clinical anxiety and went to therapy for the first time. I was later put on an anxiety medication about a year later after having daily panic attacks that left me crying in the shower every day. Let's just say, it's been almost 4 years and the only panic attack I've come close to having was when I was out of my medication and the pharmacy was overrun with requests (thanks, coronavirus).
6. Not too crazy, but I can dislocate both of my hips AND my left thumb. It's my favorite little party trick to creep people out.
7. I did background acting in high school, mainly on the Nickolodeon shows iCarly and Victorious! You'll probably spot me in the last season of each of those shows. I've also been in numerous movies, music videos, commercials, and other shows. I slowed down a bit in college and then picked back up for a bit once I moved to L.A when I didn't have a "normal" job while in school.
8. I LOVE crafting and DIY! Since my mom got her own Cricut Maker, I've slowly taken over using it whenever I'm at their house visiting. At the moment, I'm self-isolating at their house in Orange County and it's been crafting galore. My favorite things to make are shirts and stickers!
9. If I had to name just ONE passion, it would be animals. I have multiple passions in my life but animals have to take the #1 spot. I learn more about them any chance I get and have always had a fascination for both domestic animals and wildlife since I was a little girl. My favorite places to go were any zoo or Seaworld where I could get up close and personal. That passion has definitely impacted my life in a positive way as I know do marketing in the pet industry!

10. I'm a total marketing nerd. When I first started college, I didn't really have much of a plan that excited me. I decided to get my associates in business with the plan to transfer into International Business. After a few business classes, I realized ehhhh maybe not. So I then directed my plan into marketing because I loved that it allowed you to be creative. Once I took my first class that focused on content marketing, like social media and blogging, I was hooked. Seeing the impact that writing and photography could do just fascinated me. Things like color psychology and consumer behavior really get me going!